Services available from the Center

The Regeneration Resource Center offers information and resources, consultation, education and training from a Christian perspective to families with a transgender member, clergy and churches, and mental health clinicians. These services include:
Families with a transgender member
If you live in Maryland, the following services are available at Bay Area Christian Counseling:
Individual counseling for those struggling with their gender identity and for the family members of these people.
Support groups for families with a transgender member
For more information, click here for a link to Bay Area's website.
If you live in another state:
Information and education - see Resources for families with a transgender member
Self-initiated referral - see 'How to find Christian counseling' in Resources for families with a transgender member
Clergy and churches
Information and education - see Resources for clergy & churches
Training and consultation - use the form below to request these services
Mental health clinicians
Information and education - see Resources for Clinicians
Training & consultation - use the form below to request these services